How do I get more information about your school? 

Crossroads Christian Academy is located at 5679 Tarlton Rd. Circleville, Ohio 43113. You may contact our school office by phone at 740.474.3500. You can also email the school at CCA@crossroadscccu.org.


Our School Director will schedule a time for you to tour CCA and will answer any questions you may have. School tours are offered by appointment. 

What is a charter school? 

CCA is a non-public charter school.

CCA meets or exceeds all the curricular, facility, staffing, governmental, and policy requirements set by the Ohio Department of Education. Any credits earned while students attend CCA must be recognized by any other private or public school in the state.

CCA receives funding that is used to hire support staff and buy textbooks and supplies. CCA is a private school not to be confused with other public charter schools 

Do you offer financial aid or scholarships? 

The school offers financial aid to needy families based on demonstrated need.

We also offer the EdChoice scholarships based on the home school district performance and family income. Most families in and around Pickaway County qualify for full scholarships or partial scholarships. 

Special Education Scholarships are available through the John Peterson special needs program. Please call the school for details. 

Are Christian beliefs and values incorporated in the school?

Bible is a required course at CCA just the same as any core subject. 

  • Our primary grades (K-5) have age-appropriate Bible lessons in the classroom and a weekly Bible Adventures class with our Children’s Pastor. 
  • Our Middle and High School students have Bible classes every day as part of their curriculum. This is a requirement for all our students.
  • Our K-12 students participate in weekly chapel services conducted by ministry personnel and special guests. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to take part in these services.  
  • Our K-12 students participate in a Bible club/class on Fridays with special instruction and Bible memorization work with Mrs. Kathy Cook. This is a weekly highlight for all the students!
Do your teachers hold degrees?

All teachers are certified to teach in their subject areas by the Ohio Department of Education. Many of the staff members currently hold or are working on advanced education degrees.

Is there a dress code?

The dress code is simple and it is in the student handbook. The uniform is a casual uniform, not a formal dress uniform. The student handbook spells out what items or required.

What role do standardized tests play?

All CCA students take standardized tests prescribed by the Ohio Department of Education. We also use MAPS testing to help us determine the abilities of each student and prescribe a learning path for your student to help them learn.

Testing is not a major consideration in curriculum development. The staff and faculty of the school view children and content in a much more holistic fashion. The scope and sequence of instruction is designed to be global and comprehensive rather than narrow and focused exclusively on testing outcomes. 

Still have questions?

Contact our school office by phone at 740.474.3500 or email the school at CCA@crossroadscccu.org.